After the break in the regular rehearsal we will hold our AGM.
The Agenda will include reports from the Chair, Treasurer and Conductor, the receipt of accounts and balance sheet, and adoption of subscriptions for the year from September 2023 to August 2024, Elections & Re-elections to the Committee.
Bev has confirmed she will stand down after two years on the Committee as Treasurer. Thank you Bev for all your hard work.
We would like to create a new role of Social Secretary to organise the Christmas meal and other nights out. Please consider volunteering for the position of Social Secretary.
All appointments are subject to re-election. The other Committee members are willing to continue, but if you would like to stand for the position of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Social Secretary or IT/Media Manager please let us know by Friday 22nd September. The formal agenda, the accounts and the minutes of the 2022 AGM will be circulated by email in advance of the meeting.